Benjamin Lee (he/him/his)

Undergraduate Student

I am an undergraduate student at Boston University, double majoring in Human Physiology and in Biology. Going into college, I did not think I had any interest in the brain until I took a class taught by Ben Scott on drugs and behavior. After learning about some of the intricate and complex characteristics of the functionality of the brain and its interactions with various drugs resulting in alterations of specific neurotransmitter activity, I now regret not pursuing a degree that would allow me to take more classes on neuroscience. I now have a strong interest in brain research, and hope to achieve this through either an MD/PHD, or a PHD.

In lab, I work in Mouse Academy where we are currently investigating the effect of psychedelics on behavior and perceptual decision-making through evidence based accumulation tasks.

Outside of lab, I serve in BU student government where I am the lead senator for Sargent College. I am also in Beta Psi Omega, a professional biology fraternity, that gives me various opportunities and connections. I also volunteer at Quincy Elementary School, teaching 5th grade math to students who need a little more assistance. Outside of school itself, I am a bassist for a band, I play soccer on an intramural team, and frequently boulder!

Fun Facts

What was the last lab-related nightmare you had?

I had a dream that a mouse escaped the building by hanging onto my pants without me noticing.

How do you commute to the lab?

I walk!

What's your go-to lunch spot?


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